
The school has a general expectation for homework at all levels based on the following principles:

  • Homework offers some consolidations, revision and practice of skills.
  • It provides an important liaison between home and school, reinforcing the concept that learning is universal and not confined to classrooms.
  • It helps establish autonomy and independence in learning.

Homework consists of tasks to consolidate the core skills in reading, spelling and mathematics basic facts.

It is important to note that no child should find homework a source of stress.  Please contact your child's teacher if you sense that your child is frustrated or unable to cope.  In addition, homework should not stop children from healthy, worthwhile pursuits outside of school time, such as involvement in sports.

The general expectations are:

Years 0-1 Reading (approximately 10-15 minutes)
Students will:

  • Students will complete their reading each night (e.g. a book read at school or relevant literacy activities).
  • Parents and caregivers complete the home reading logbook with children.

Years 2-4 Reading, spelling and mathematics basic facts (approximately 20-30 minutes)
Students will:

  • Read each night independently for 15 minutes (this can be their school reading book or a book from home).
Optional homework:

  • Mathletics - a range of specific tasks and games provided.
  • Spelling Shed - current spelling patterns and sounds set up for individual leaners.

Years 5-6 (Te Māhuri) homework is self-regulated although students will:

  • Read a book of personal interest for 20-30 minutes every night.
  • All students have a Steps Web and Mathletics account that is set to their appropriate level in spelling and maths.
  • Students can continue to work on any activities from their Google classroom.
  • We encourage students to actively help at home with dishes, cleaning up etc.

Years 7-8 (TE Kōhure) Reading, spelling, maths  (approximately 40 minutes) 
Students are encouraged to:

  • Read something of personal interest each night for 20 minutes, and record it in their diary/reading log.
  • Learn assigned spelling words from the classroom programme.
  • Complete maths homework that relates to their classroom programme.

Parents/caregivers are encouraged to offer support where needed and sign the homework diary weekly.  Students can work towards excellence badges by completing the optional homework challenges located below.