In 2024, our kura was gifted a dual name, Te Paritō Kōwhai, meaning the growth and rejuvenation from the centre of the kōwhai tree; something we encourage in all our learners through building positive attitudes to learning.
At Te Parito Kōwhai Russley School, we practise the following four values:

The school is proud of its talented teachers and support staff, who are supported by a highly competent Board and an enthusiastic parent community. Together, we make the Russley team. The student whānau stem from all corners of the world and Russley celebrates its cultural diversity.
All our programmes focus on four strategic goals:

'Growing Together'
Brave, resilient champions
of our learning

'Walking Together'
Nurturing an inclusive,
respectful community

'Creating Together'
Inspiring confident innovators
of tomorrow

'Flourishing Together'
Feeling good, doing good

Te Kākano Year 1-3
A child's first year at school is exciting. Through play, exploration and targeted teaching, the learners get a rich variety of experience across the curriculum. Learners are encouraged to actively participate in the process of their learning. They are encouraged to develop and embrace new challenges alongside a place-based curriculum.

Te Māhuri Year 4-6
Progressing from the junior school to Te Māhuri, learners are supported to develop leadership, collaboration and communication. Practising Te Parito Kōwhai Values, students develop skills and independence by moving through different classes for learning.

Te Kōhure Year 7-8
Te Kōhure learners are motivated to take on greater responsibilities and aspire to leadership roles that support our students and school. Students experience the curriculum through multiple avenues where they are encouraged to strive to their personal best.